Murfreesboro Mattress Store FREE Sleep Tracker

It has been said “if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”. Nothing could be truer regarding sleep. Unfortunately sleep has taken a back seat in the average Americans health routine. The health conscious individual will wake up early to work out and plan healthy meals for the Continue Reading

Mattress Gallery Direct Latex Mattress Store in Murfreesboro Franklin Smyrna TN.

Latex is back! And we couldn’t be more excited about it. Mattress Gallery Direct has been a long time believer in benefits of latex. Unfortunately we don’t have an abundance of rubber trees in the US to harvest latex products. Now, with new supply chain avenues we are able to Continue Reading

Jamison Mattress Store Franklin TN.

Have your ever slept in a Marriott Hotel and wondered why you felt so rested in the morning? You may be surprised to know that the Jamison Custom Resort mattress is the secret sauce that Marriott uses. Jamison Bedding Co. started out in 1883 out of Franklin TN. What started Continue Reading